Answers to your most commonly asked questions regarding Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™

I have sensitive skin, what if this irritates my skin? 

Most women do fine with using the full-strength “original formula” of Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™, but if you tend to have sensitive skin, we recommend you choose the “sensitive formula” option when ordering. According to the feedback we have received, redheaded women tend to have more sensitive skin and prefer to use the “sensitive formula”. A tingly feeling is normal at first, but if you have a strong burning reaction, quickly rinse your skin with soap and warm water and dilute your bottle of Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ with ½-1 tsp. of fractionated coconut oil or olive oil.

Is this safe for teenage girls to use?


Will Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ kill bacterial and vaginal infections?

With regular use, plus proper hygiene methods, women have great results using Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ to kill bacterial and vaginal infections. Success is increased by cutting back on sugary and yeasty foods and supplementing with a high quality probiotic before going to bed (we recommend using the probiotic found on our product page). It is also recommended to especially use Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™during your period. Spray a tampon 4-5 times before inserting to help fight infections.

Is it okay to use Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ before having sex? Will it irritate my partner?

Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ is safe to use before and after intimate activities and will help fight odor and bacteria. It should not irritate your partner’s skin.

Is Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ safe to use during pregnancy?

Always check with your doctor when trying out a new product. Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ is specially formulated for women in all stages of life and does not contain any ingredients that have been known to cause problems during pregnancy.

Can I use Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ after child birth?

After child birth, we recommend using Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ “sensitive formula” each time after going to the bathroom to promote healing and to cleanse tender or damaged tissues and stitches. Daily showering during this time is also very important and applying Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ “sensitive formula” after showering can be very helpful in keeping the area clean. Please remember to check with your doctor.

Do I need to wash off Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ at the end of the day?

No, you do not need to wash off Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ unless you are having a reaction, in which case you need to use soap and warm water in the shower. Otherwise, it is safe to layer several applications of Hoo-Hoo Spritzer™ on your hoo-hoo in between showering. This makes it ideal for long trips or for bedridden women when showering is not always possible on a daily basis.